
The challenges of the present, expectations for the future, and the dreams of those who experience the reality of public high school in Brazil. Through the voices of students, principals, teachers and experts, Not Even In a Wildest Dream offers a reflection on the value of education.

Objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável

Idiomas e acessibilidade



Ficha técnica

Directed by: Cacau Rhoden

Produced by: Maria Farinha Films

Screenplay: Tetê Cartaxo, André Finotti, Cacau Rhoden

Executive producers: Juliana Borges

Argument:​ Tiago Borba, Ricardo Henriques, Cacau Rhoden

Distributed by: Flow 

Available languages: Portuguese, with subtitles in Spanish and English

Photography director: Carlos Firmino and Janice D’Avila

Assistant director: ​Camila Gentile

Editing:​ André Finotti

Post-production coordinator: Geisa França

Soundtrack: Conrado Goys

Filming location: Brazil

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Impact Movement

Not Even In a Wildest Dream was two years in production, visited eight states, fifteen cities and heard and interviewed more than 100 people. All this effort transformed it into a portrait of the dreams and the reality of public schools in Brazil. To date it is used by third sector institutions to guide public policy debates, attesting to its influence. More than 300 thousand people watched the film in 7 countries, 90% of them having accessed it through Videocamp.