
Rethink that Compliment is a documentary that proposes a reflection on how children are praised. While girls are beautiful, princesslike and delicate, boys are strong, intelligent and brave. To what extent do these adjectives imprison their individual and true beings? This is a film that reflects on the power of words and culture, which generated a profound imbalance in the way that we praise girls and boys.

Sustainable development goals

Languages and accessibility


Awards and festivals

12th Mostra Cinema e Direitos Humano


Effie Award, Branded Content



Directed by: Estela Renner

Produced by: Estela Renner, Luana Lobo, Marcos Nisti, Kaletrianos (Mutato)

Argument:​ Estela Renner

Screenplay: Estela Renner

Executive producers: Juliana Borges, Luciana Bobadilha, Fernanda Guimarães and

Lara Kaletrianos

Available languages: Portuguese 

Photography directors: Carol Quintanilha

Assistant director: First: Carol Bretas / Second: Bruna Bravo

Editing:​ Renata Terra

Post-production coordinator: ​ Geisa França, Regina Mimi, Thiago Ferracini

Soundtrack: Sound Design

Filming locations: Brazil