Where to watch


The film portrays the role of children in various popular manifestations in the four Brazilian states, and their relationship with collective, intergenerational and sacred play.

Sustainable development goals

Languages and accessibility



Screenplay: Renata Meirelles, Soraia Chung Saura

Directed by: David Reeks, Renata Meirelles

Argument:​ Renata Meirelles, Soraia Chung Saura

Executive producer: Juliana Borges

Photography director: David Reeks

Editing:​ Marilia Moraes, David Reeks

Post-production coordinator: ​Geisa França

Produced by: Estela Renner, Marcos Nisti, Luana Lobo

Soundtrack: Original music from the groups recorded in the movie 

Filming location: Brazil (BA, MG, MA, CE)